Jun 9, 2009

Quick Hailey updates..

I had an appointment yesterday at WIC. Hailey weighed in at 17lbs! She's now 25in long. On the percentage charts, she's 90th percentile for her weight and just under 25th percentile for her height... uh... short and chubby is what they told me. However, my little Hailey is very very strong! Most of that weight is her natural strength.. we'll see how it goes. I hope she gets taller.. would be nice for her. We're doing okay.. we picked up Allana this weekend. It's been so sweet to watch her with her sister "Hailey." They LOVE each other so much already. They've been glued at the hip, literally. I'll post pictures when I have a little more free time. Hailey has a flu bug today and I've got bills to pay.. yuck! We STILL don't have jobs! Grr.. getting very frustrated about that. Myself, I've put in at least 25 applications and haven't had one call back yet. Wow.. I've never experienced having such a difficult time just trying to find a job. I've been applying at fast food places etc. They're always hiring.. or so I thought!

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Hailey's 1st Birthday Party

Christmas 2009