Apr 25, 2009

Today was full of GREAT "HAILEY" NEWS, fun family time, and Hailey giggled for real!

My Sisters, Mom, and I have made a tradition of doing the March of Dimes Walk for Babies every year for the past few years. Today was no exception! We completed our walk and had the usual BBQ lunch in the park afterward. It was nice. This was Hailey's first year on the walk. She stayed nice and warm in her Jammie's and blankies. Aunt Amy took pics.. none of us remembered our camera as in past years... thank goodness for cell phones :).

Another noteworthy entry for today... Hailey laughed for the first time!! Oh my gosh so funny & way cute! We were at Aunt Nici's house and it was so funny... I tickled her and she actually laughed instead of grunting. :) I loved it!! I'm sad Daddy didn't get to see.. I promised him I'd record it on video for him.. will have to wait till tomorrow since I'm babysitting Matt & Erin's boys tonight while they go out. Fun stuff!

The BEST entry for today of all... since we don't get cell phone service in Idaho City, I didn't get the message left by Hailey's Pediatrician from yesterday. SHE'S OKAY!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE I'm so happy my baby is going to be alright. They still don't know what caused her little ER episode a few weeks back, but, at least we've ruled out Seizure's and Epilepsy etc. I'm a VERY HAPPY MOMMY!! I'll post some pic's from the walk tomorrow.

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Hailey's 1st Birthday Party

Christmas 2009