Nov 6, 2008

This past week...

I lost another 3lbs this week. Yay! That makes me so happy. I'm learning how to control the gestational diabetes. It has been a new experience for both Aaron and I. I've discovered that when I've given into a craving or indulgence, it's no where as good as I was expecting it to be. Guess it's true... your tastes really do change. I've really been trying to control what I eat. However, I have had a few indulgences which have really helped to curb any cravings. Dr. West told me this week that Hailey is now between 4-5lbs! Wow... she sure has grown. We're so excited to meet her :). I can hardly wait. Christmas is creeping up on us rather quickly. Won't be much longer before I wake up thru the night to take care of Hailey. Before, It felt like her arrival was so far away. As the time gets closer to us having her... I can't believe how fast time really is going!

This has been a really nice week. I had a special talk (text.. ) with Steven the other day. The conversation was short, but, very sweet. I really care about him! I love him as much as I would if he'd been part of our family from the beginning! I am looking forward to him spending more time with us. He sure has been a huge blessing to our family. Steven told me how he wants to refer to me and I don't want to ruin our experience. I do, however, want to say I am so happy he's in our life and it is nice to have him verbally be part of this family.

I'm pretty sure this will be the most memorable Christmas I will have ever had. Not only will Hailey join our family, but, we get to have our sweet Allana this year for Christmas! There's also a chance Steven may be here as well for the holiday. I sure hope so. What a Christmas it will be. I can't wait! I'm almost done Christmas shopping. I found some really cool stuff~ I can't mention it in this blog because Allana likes to read these :). Allana~ I found some coal for you for Christmas :) Hope you like it.

I'm just kidding of coarse :).

Well, I should sign out of the blog. I can't keep my eyelids open. Goodnight :)

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Hailey's 1st Birthday Party

Christmas 2009