Nov 15, 2008

The Expansion...

This month has been an exciting one for Aaron. One of his many interests is video games. He loves pinball, computer games, his XBox 360 etc. It gives him something fun to do that is pretty cheap. Luckily for me, he's not the type to get obsessed over a game. He can put it down as easy as he picks it up. Two games he's been anxiously waiting for came out this month. Fable 2 and the Expansion for World of War craft. I took a picture (with my phone hiding in the baby depart.) of Aaron while waiting in line at Walmart. It was midnight! We were waiting for the Expansion to be released. The line went all the way down the isle and around the corner half way to the registers. It was a very long line. Aaron doesn't fit the part of a typical "gamer." His head is always shaved, he wears a goatee, and had on his leather jacket. There were probably 4 other guys similar to Aaron and the rest, well, they looked like the type waiting in line at Walmart for a video game to be released. It made me giggle. :)

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