My mind has been so busy the past few months, I'm not sure what all I've written on the blog. If I'm repeating myself, I'm sorry! Hailey has quite a few little funny habits that I just don't want to forget. She wipes her mouth with the washcloth after almost every bite of food or sip of milk or juice. She's starting to really copy what we do. I've used her bib before to wipe her mouth... so... after using the wash cloth, she does it again with her bib. She knows very well her "rules" and waits until she can't see you then she bulldozes to do whatever she's not suppose to do. She'll even look around to see if you're watching before trying to touch what she's not suppose to be touching. I've always said to Hailey, when she's pooped, "Ewe.. stinky!" For about a week now, soon as she's pooped or just starting to poop, she'll touch her diaper, crinkle her nose, and say "
tinky." I hope she'll be easy to potty train! That was my thought when saying the "Ewe.. stinky," and it seems to have paid off! She says "
Ezze" when she wants something.. she's saying "please." When she wants to watch TV, she'll point to the TV and whine. She pats the couch, bed, or chair if she wants up to read her books. She'll give you a "nuzzle," also known as an "Eskimo Kiss." She has a pair of Elmo slippers. She'll pick them up, look at me, and say "La la." She wants me to sing her the Elmo song. I do... and she'll dance with the slippers. When I wash my hands, she'll do the motion with hers. When I give her a bath, she's started copying me and rubbing her tummy and legs with her hands. Every morning she'll say "
EEHHH" over and over until I get her out of bed. She likes to say the word "fish." It sounds more like "
viss." She's getting more brave... trying to stand more. She's been trying to walk with only one hand on the couch or chair, etc. Because Hailey is a typical wobbly 1yr old, she falls and hits her head
a lot. We discovered when we ask her if she's okay, she'll rub her head, even if she didn't hit her head. When she's in a time out in the corner (funny.. to see) when we tell her to "turn around," she leans against the wall and slowly hits her own head! We didn't teach her that... she came up with it on her own. I think she's a bit confused on the meaning of some words and phrases... we'll have to work on that :). And, of coarse... she still LOVES to read! Sorry for the randomness of this post. Just don't want to forget the little milestones in my Hailey's life.