My family has been back home for about a week and a half. We've had a wonderful time together. I forgot to start taking pictures, so, the first several days I didn't capture with the camera. Allana has sure grown! Won't be long before she passes me up. Allana was sure surprised to discover she's going to be a big sister! She'll be a fantastic big sis! Can't wait :) She's so excited... its so nice to have the family all together. Aaron's been in heaven! And, frankly, so have I. We love her so much... she's such a fun and good girl. The end of summer is always so difficult to say goodbye. It's hard going a full year without seeing her. It's a pleasure to have her around the house. She's been very helpful, willing to help with chores, and of coarse... cook. She loves to cook! And, she does a great job at it. She's made meatloaf, pudding, spaghetti and meatballs, and much more. She does a great job~ makes her so happy to help in the kitchen. *Just like her Dad* She's already been to the movies and as a family we took her on the tour train. We were kinda sad, the actual tour train is out of commission right now, so, we had to settle for the tour trolley. Was still a great day though. When asked if she learned anything, Allana's response was "yeah... the pioneers were buried in the exact spot they died in when they fought the indians." Yep.. she was right. That was told to us when passing the cemetary by East Jr. High. Well, I could go on for a long time, but don't feel like it. Forgot to mention, she's becoming quite the pro at guitar hero and my pinata game on Dad's Xbox 360. I'm sleepy as usual. So, going to bed. Thought I'd share a few pic's of our summer so far: