Oct 2, 2008


I got the results back from my Glucose test this week. Tomorrow I have to go back to the Doctor, again. Unlike my sisters, I wasn't quite so lucky. The Glucose test came up positive for Gestational Diabetes. I thought for sure I would have a negative result since both Nici and Amy did. But, guess that wasn't in the cards for me and Hailey. Unlike most who spend their pregnancy enjoying cravings, I will spend the rest of mine on a very strict diet. I'm really looking forward to meet Hailey :). It's been a very long 7months so far. Pregnancy has not been my friend... we're all very happy I only have 3 more months to go. I wonder sometimes how on earth did grandma sorensen do this 13 times?? I'm very grateful she did.. I love having such a large family! Well, I'm trying to get my bedroom organized and "thinned out" so I can move more things from the girls bedroom to our closet. With only 3 more months to go, I still have alot to do in the girls bedroom. As some of you know, we're moving in probably February or March to Las Vegas. We're going to stay with Connie while Aaron goes to school. That is our plan... as long as the economy doesn't go too crazy. We have alot going on and keep very busy. We'll sure miss all of our family that is here in Boise!!! It will give me many excuses to come home to visit. Will write more soon~ have a great day! :)


Brianna said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know how Grahms did it either! We didn't know you were moving...just remember Salt Lake is a few hours drive away, and you guys have us here!

Ward Family said...

So sorry Molly! Hang in there...you're doing a great job! Everything will turn out fine!

Hailey's 1st Birthday Party

Christmas 2009