Oct 18, 2008

Amy "tagged" me... now I get to share 7 random/weird facts about myself. I would have done it sooner, but, I wasn't sure how to get it on my computer. I don't think I did it right... oh well :) That may help explain my first fact about myself:

1. I have always struggled trying to figure out how to work the computer! I've learned a lot blogging and from my handsome husband, Aaron.

2. I hate spiders. I don't like to squish them... instead 409 works great! Plus, it cleans my wall at the same time :)

3. When I was younger, I use to irritate Nici (on purpose sometimes). She was so funny when she got mad! All 3 of us girls shared the basement in my Dad's house. One night, Nici told me she would "pull my hair," if I didn't stop what I was doing. I didn't believe her... so I kept it up. Sure enough a minute or two later... here came Nici and with both of her hands, she pulled my hair! It only took a couple of seconds before we were all rolling around our beds laughing!

4. If I was a millionaire, I would adopt as many kids I could handle from foster care.

5. As a child, I loved to create my own recipes. I put jello, ice cubes, and water (i think?) in the blender one day thinking it would taste so good... little did I know it would turn into whole bunch of red foam. I don't recommend that recipe!

6. I was in two car accident's and went to the hospital in two ambulances the week of my 21st birthday.

7. Since Amy "tagged" me, I'll share a memory I have with her... those who knew us well while growing up know that Amy and I "had our challenges." I was one of those kids that use to complain when my siblings were "touching" me in the car. I will admit I still like my space. One day, Amy's leg was next to mine squished in the back of our car. I decided I'd had enough. I took the lotion bottle next to me and hit the top of her hand with it. I felt horrible after I did that! I'll never forget it. I don't know if I ever told Amy "sorry," but, it's never too late, right? So... I'm sorry for hitting you with the lotion bottle that day. :) I don't know if you remember or not, but, I've never forgotten it and have always regreted doing it. I love you :)

I'm "tagging:" Diana, Kim, Miho, Angela, Lorri, Jen, and Jeni *some of you don't have a blog yet~ I'm "tagging" you early :)


Amy Heath said...

You silly girl! I have absolutely no memory of you doing that. So funny! FORGIVEN! :)

Ward Family said...

Bugging mr on purpose, huh? I thought so! Funny!

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